Monday, October 20, 2008

I got tagged...7 interesting/weird things about me...some are more exciting that others...

1. I am youngest in my family, but have the same birthday as my oldesr sister who is 9 years older than me. We both majored in graphic design at BYU, both worked at Creative Marketing at BYU, we both had our first child (boy) when 26 years and second boy 18 months later. Also she has 3 boys and her youngest is a girl and my next baby that is due in February will be a boy too! 

2. I used to beat guys in armrestling in elementry school... yeah that's pretty weird...

3. I lost my airplane ticket in London when I had a layover there, but I was still able to fly to US without a ticket...I have lost stuff few times, but I think that was one of the worst cases.

4. I signed up for New Testament class at Ricks and found out in the beginning of the first class that it was Ancient Greek class and we were there to  learn the language. I decited to keep the class, I would have never signed up for the class without the accident.

5. I have very fast deliveries. The last one I got to the hospital at 9am and Timo was born 9:45am.

6. A month a go we were staying at our branch presiden't house for a week before our house was ready to move in and while we were there  were these  two men that came to move a fridge. I was with Timo and Matthew and the mover guys thought that I was a babysitter and that I was 12 or 13 years old. I take that as compliment since I am turning 30 in 6 months. People usually think that I look younger, but I think that was a strech. Bobby should give the movers some new glasses ;)

7.  I had 'boy hair" when I was young, and short hair all the way until I was 15 and ever since it has been long.


Kim-the-girl said...

Those are some fun things... so can you speak any Greek? You must look really good for being so far in pregnancy and being mistaken for one so young. :o)

Petronella said...

ok..maybe it was almost 2 months ago and I wasn't showing as much..definetely showing now... that is pretty funny though...I could speak some ancient Greek maybe couple of years ago, but can't remember that much anymore...haven't had much chances to use it ;)

steph said...

thnx for sharing... that stuff is so interesting and fun! I love the story about your age... jaja (I get that too..)

Jennifer B said...

Very interesting. It is fun to know more about you. =) Hopefully this next baby will come as fast as the last one. =)

JandS Morgan said...

That is too funny about the movers. Congrats on the pregnancy.

Joseph Sandiego said...

post boy-hair pics plz.

i didn't know you're pregnant. congrats.

...i've got nothin'. boo hoo :P

Lauren said...

So, you are expecting again! Congratulations. Did you buy a house? Will you send me your new address?